I took a walk--a leisurely walk at that--with my brother Paul yesterday. Maybe four miles? And, bam. Today, my ankle is swollen and sore. I was feeling good about things, too. I woke up yesterday after our epic journey in the kayaks and felt no pain or stiffness in my back, shoulders, or arms. I have one blister on my thumb. Just that one little war wound. And, I suppose I should confess, my abs are a little tight. But, hey. I don't mind it one bit. True, I was looking forward to having all my muscles seize up so I could make a few "you bought your tickets yet?" jokes with super flexed and hardass arms, but whatever.
With no pain, I thought, okay. Maybe this eating locally and getting exercise routine is actually making me stronger. Maybe it's working! Who knew?!
Nope. I'm still a sucky fatass with a bum ankle and a screwed up IT band. I'm just frustrated and I'll be in better spirits tomorrow, but I can't figure out how some people can do it and I can't. Don't get me wrong; I understand I lack real discipline and I certainly don't regret walking for an hour or so yesterday. In fact, it was really nice and sometimes a nice walk allows you to stop for a nice view. I'd have more regrets if I hadn't walked, swollen ankle or not. We walked over a stream that we normally canoe...
And then we saw a mutant caterpillar...
And then a mama turkey wandered by with her chick and then, as we cut through someone's yard, I nearly walked into an inchworm swinging from a tree--why do they do that?
And finally we saw some crazy gross mushrooms....
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preferred this |
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but did this |
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higgledy-piggledy boats in Scotty River |
No luck. But the Pemaquid Ale was delicious.
Tonight, Groom is threatening to cook some weird scaly fish I saw marinating in the fridge. I'm a little grossed out, but we'll see. Maybe it'll be delicious. It's certainly local, since I suspect he caught it himself. I just don't know what it is and it's sitting on a platter all...slimy looking. Ew.
I think it might be bluefish.
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