Saturday, July 14, 2012

Doing my part

I haven't gotten a lick of activity in these past couple of days. I'm thinking I might have my ankle looked at, but we're getting low in our HSA--that's a Health Savings Account for people who don't have one. I didn't know what an HSA was either until Groom put it together.

But, I might be in this mess because I blew off having a professional look at my ankle when I rolled it in the first place so many years ago, so.... Hunh. If I were listening to me complain about my ankle right now, I'd be annoyed and tell me to just get the stupid thing checked out already.

I've been sticking to my plan to eat locally. I've eaten more lobster in the past few days than I normally eat in an entire summer. As I've mentioned, I'm trying to be frugal because I had that accidental vacation last week, which means no shopping at cute local galleries and no swinging by the farmers market for the most delicious yet most expensive cheese ever.

but the salad was good
lobster was bland
Instead I'm doing my part to get lobster prices back into a reasonable range so the lobstermen can set their traps and make some money--boat prices are ridiculously low. According to my friend Cary from the wonderfully delicious and local Cleonice, soft shell lobsters (aka shedders) are most prevalent right now in her area. Albeit delicious, shedders don't live as long as their hard-shelled brethren so Cary isn't seeing the lower prices yet...I don't know, I think I need an economics lesson to figure it out. In my tiny world, though I prefer the shedders, Groom and I got some the other day for $3.99/lb (much higher than other areas) and they were bland.

Look at me complain about bland lobster. Such a luxury.

Right now, the cost of a lobster roll at Red's Eats, that Gourmet Downeast Yankee Top Ten Food Network tourist destination in Wiscasset that causes all the traffic along Route 1, is $15.95, down from somewhere in the low to mid-$20s last season, so if you're going to get a lobster roll, now's the time. Just make sure you thank all the drivers trying to get across the bridge for stopping. Seriously. Look up and down the road and say "thanks guys!" I dare ya.

Today, I've been roped into going to Funtown Splashtown USA with a friend and her son. I plan to spend most of my time at the objectionably named Funtoberfest Beer Garden because, as we all know, I refuse to get my face wet unless there's soap nearby and I'm getting ready for my day or a night on the town. I don't even own a freaking bathing suit. Please, bitch.

But, I'm psyched to hang out with my friend, so that makes it all much easier to handle. For me, spending time with good friends is as important as getting some exercise. On the plus side, I laugh so hard when I'm around her, the chances of getting a nice core workout are pretty high. And, it's a Saturday in mid-July with temperatures forecast to be the 90s... I'm sure it won't be too crowded. I'll try to keep a brisk, pulse-raising pace as I indulge in some judgmental wandering about the park.

Water parks make me think of a joke I heard recently. A writer and an editor are lost in the dessert. They stumble upon an oasis and crawl eagerly toward the cool, sparkly lake. The writer dunks his head and starts gulping back the refreshing water, reveling in his good fortune, before he notices the editor taking a piss into the water.

"What are you doing?!" the writer shouts.

The editor responds, "Making it better."

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